Thursday, December 27, 2007

my new family, more firsts, etc

-so xmas was a lot of fun. I hope it was the same for you guys as well. went to a methodist church in the morning (i think that was the first time going to a methodist church on christmas...more firsts to come). the service was interesting, the worship time, not so much. but no surprises...we sang the songs ur supposed to sing on christmas and the preacher preached the traditional sermon (tho with a little life (umph, passion, whatever) at the end which is always good.

afterward we went to a braai (s. african for barbeque; also a first) at another friends place. a little plug for the accenture folks: you know when we go to orientation and training and the faculty feed us the bs (uh, i mean, useful info) about how they met people at training from all over the world some 80 yrs ago and they're still great friends with them? well, there's a bit of truth in it, as i have found out. the girl whose house i spent most of christmas at, is one person i met at CAS and now we've hung out a couple times and she's introduced me to her husband, family, and circle of friends (its a small world afterall).

today, i went car shopping. yet another first (as in seriously looking for a car to buy for myself). and i found one. i had narrowed my choices to be an Audi or Toyota (first choice being audi, but only if the price was reasonable enough, as i am also cheap and broke). luckily i had a friend that went car shopping with me, otherwise things could've got hairy. the process actually wasn't that bad at all, and though i don't have the car yet, ive submitted my docs and they'll tell me in the next week if im able to get financing, etc. so i ended up getting an Audi (2001 silver A3 1.8Turbo, 2-door). Its a hatchback (like 90% of the vehicles here) and probably one of the smallest Audi's out there, but thats fine; its my baby (or will be, hopefully). I'm hoping that being a samll audi, it will have a lesser chance of being hijacked (VW seems to be the major target), tho it is still a car and it is still jo'burg, so the chances can't be that slim...

Btw, cars here are ridicuously expensive (and car insurance as well). This tiny pre-owned car (2001 with 85000KM) on it will cost me 105,000 Rand and thats a really good deal. Thats $15,000! Plus i'll have to pay about R1000 ($150) per month for insurance. Plus my interest rate, having no credit here, is going to be something ridiculous (i'm thinking conservatively, 15%). crazy. nothing's cheap here. especially not the car market. anyway, as we were walking out of the dealership, the sales guy said: "welcome to the Audi family". which made my day. i feel proud to belong to such a family!

tomorrow, i head off on another adventure to Uganda. I will be there until Jan 8, doing missions stuff, like talking to church leaders, visiting homes in villages, working with AIDS families and organizations, rafting on the nile, etc. this means that for the thousands of fans i have reading this blog, I will be MIA for that period. try not to miss me too much, but I will give a not-so-full-but-ok-enough recount when i get back. holla. peace.


Anonymous said...

folu i've plowed through your entire blog this morning and very disappointed that you don't have more. we need more posts and pics now!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read about Uganda. I'm really enjoying your blogging :) and glad to hear that you are doing well.

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