i realise that
obama (lovingly called b-
obama in this space, if you recall) has been painfully absent in my blog entries of late. so, to keep from forgetting the forgotten, this entry appears. tho, i guess you can't really call
obama the forgotten. he is very well on the hearts and minds of most
americans and many many foreigners (e.g. south
africans who do not fail to ask me what the next step is for
obama or which republican candidate will inevitably unseat him in a couple years). i really feel sorry for the guy, well kind of.
obama gets back from his longest overseas trip this week - a trip which saw some successes (
indonesia) and some dismal failures (no south
korea trade agreement and no love at the G20). even more exciting, he goes home to face more questions about the "shellacking" (in his own words) he and his party experienced during the elections a week or so ago.
perusing the www, there is no shortage of articles stating what went wrong, how it can or cannot be fixed, and what
obama did or did not do or should or should not do (did you know that democrats are mad at him
cuz he
doesnt call them or take pics with them and republicans are mad at him
cuz he
doesnt invite them to golf outings? true stuff!). and maybe its just me and maybe i have a bit of a socialist in me (but really who
doesnt, come on...), but i cannot for the life of me understand people's aversion to being insured or having health insurance. yes, it costs the government money when it doesn't have much, but imagine a recession like the one we were just in where millions lost their jobs. what if those guys were not insured or their insurance didn't cover much. now we would have unemployment, a recession, and loads of peeps packing the
ERs cuz they can't go for a normal procedure or worse off the elderly and poor dying, unable to treat simple injuries. during massive job losses, the worst thing you want to do is exacerbate that by not having enough social service nets to take care of people that cannot take care of themselves. if the government does not take care of the helpless, what is the role of the government. even more,
obama did this w/o raising taxes which almost amounts to magic (aka
chinese debt). and don't even get me started with the tea party (actually i know very little about this group as i refuse to even read up on them and their ridiculous tactics). anyway, i digress.
its a rather cool exercise to look at presidents' photos during their tenure to grasp just how much stress and burden the position is. and with 2 wars, a global recession, the fall of the investment banking sector as we know it, and rising unemployment,
obama has his fair share of burden and stress
i'm sure. so before i close with my 2 cents of what i think
obama needs to do to regain his credibility in the eyes of voters, a bit of pictorial digression.
Once upon a time,
obama burst unto the show with much fan-fare and promise - a savior almost - looking so fresh n so clean, talking a new kind of politics, a new
Then shortly after he won the hearts, minds, and imaginations of the
american people, he realised what he had gotten himself into. and the grey hairs and
sulken face began to appear.

shame. that's what a shellacking will do to you. look listen and learn, folks! and after all the mudslinging and attempts at "changing
washington" (
hah!) and more attempts at pleasing the never-happy liberals (i almost think ultra-liberals get off on finding something to complain about, otherwise their
existence would be worthless) and the conniving conservatives, what is
america's view of the so-called
neo-messiah now?

and really i can't blame anyone but obama himself for that assessment...which leads me to my 2 cents.
when obama came unto the screen, he was viewed and appreciated by many, including myself, as the anti-bush, in many ways. here was a figure that was both inspirational and pragmatic. one who inspired others to think larger than themselves and expect more and better from their leaders. a smart and informed president - what a new and refreshing thought in these modern times! well, i think he may have taken that batton so far that he forgot that even as an intelligent and thoughtful, careful president, you still need a human touch (see president clinton). obama has lost that human touch. without which, all best-laid plans and inspirational speeches and attempts to cross party lines becomes moot. maybe, just maybe, the reps are unto something by being upset over no invites to golf outings. now when we see obama, we literally see a man that talks to the audience or often, above the audience, chin raised with a hint of condescendence in his speech - all too reminiscent of the upper-lipped, upper class of upper england. sorry, that just wont cut it in america. take academics for example (or just really bright people); we all love them and appreciate their contributions to society. but who wants to sit there and listen all day to an intelligent person reminding you of his/her intelligence all the time? people (esp. women :P) when they've had a tough day and they're spilling it all to their poor man aren't necessarily looking for answers and solutions, theyre looking for empathy and someone to listen. and though in a president we do want answers and solutions, we do not expect him to all of a sudden forget that there is a human perspective to leadership. and yes, it requires you doing some stupid things sometimes, like playing golf with people and taking time to take photos with others.
b-obama showed this human element many times during his 2008 campaign. he showed anger when he was outraged at the response to katrina for example, he was often calm and collected when speaking of important matters like the global recession, he was thoughtful and brilliant when speaking of matters of race, and he was filled with tears of compassion, grief and mixed emotions when speaking of his late grandmother.

we know the real
obama is in there somewhere. let's see it again. many presidents have understood that your agenda means nothing if you
dont carry the
american people with you or make silly gestures to reach across the aisle. i don't care much for silly gestures (tho, they are a necessary evil), but i believe
obama owes the
american people a touch of emotion and feel of understanding as he drives his agenda and policy. i fully support what he is trying to achieve, but all of it will be undermined if he cannot take the public with him - whether that is by holding their hands, stooping down to help them or carry them along, lowering his
flippin chin, or, yes, even having a beer with a local who's just lost his job.