fortunately, there were no incriminating pictures taken of me trying and failing to dance (at least none that i'm aware of), but heres one of us men discussing how we would fix all the world's problems. the other pic is me taking the ping pong table (and would-be opponents) to school...

in the spirit of blaming the states for my problems, sunday afternoon presented another blame america moment. we went go-karting at some random place in the middle of nowhere. apparently go-karting is when u just drive the go-kart around and maybe try to win the race by safely overtaking others and making good time. well, the sign may have said go-karting, but my mind registerred "bumper cars". so there i was lovingly (of course) shoving (maybe a bit of bumping and crashing into) other karts out of my way on my quest to win and win big. result: we almost got kicked out of the place. apaprently ur not supposed to bump people in was i to know man. i'm only a stupid american...
post-post shoutouts: (1) the IRS (US version of SARS) for my nice tax return; i could use the money...actually i already have...
(2) if only i had known that all those times when i was losing matches i could've conjured up a deal that goes something like this: hey i may be losing, but if you take 2nd place, i'll take first place. deal? hmm...
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