you know when you see something and most of your rational sense is telling you not to get it and that you probably don't need it, but it just seems too good to be true and too tempting to pass up? that's how i would describe this apartment. it's a 2bedroom, 2bath, which is larger than i was looking for; its also more expensive than i was budgeting; its also further away from my work place than other areas i was looking at (and could take me up to an hour to get to work if i leave at the wrong time, even though its probably less than a mile to work). so, why did i get this place, you ask? well, in-spite of all the negatives, it comes FULLY furnished with REALLY nice furniture and appliances (a huge plus for a lazy bach like me); it comes with a washing machine and air con (a rarity here); its in a great location; and it comes at a huge discount (for some reason the owner decided to shave off a "few" bucks and rent it out for under market value). with all that it became extremely difficult to pass up. 2 more pluses: i now have an extra bedroom and lots of space (its actually not that big) for all of you to come and visit; and if i find someone looking for a place to live (and to split rent with), it makes the place the cheapest and perhaps best value you'll find in SA.
So, move-in day is tomorrow. it will be really sad to leave the hotel. they really like me (who can blame them), and i like being catered to. but i think i'm getting sick of the "sir"s and "would you like a chocolate for turndown service to add to the mound of 13 other chocolate bars you haven't eaten"s...i'm officially inviting everyone to come visit.
finally, every once in a while i will digress in this blog and talk about something not too related to my sa adventures. so i'm giving you a heads up now. the first such topic will be barack obama (not surprising i would guess for those who know me). I was planning on posting the blog today, but i don't have the time or the patience (this comp is extremely slow), but its something to look forward to. enjoy the pics of my new place (i can't really see the photos well, but i'm thinking its this crappy monitor).

Glad you found a place, it looks really really nice!!!
World Cup 2010 crash pad?
awesome dude, glad you found something
damn dude, nice place.
this blog kinda sucks- are going to review the blackberry curve or something useful like that?
Is Starbuck's walking distance?
wow... I am definitely coming... so u better figure out when you'll be there this summer...
its beautiful.
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